Sunday September 30th, for our 5th Sunday fellowship, there will be a Fish Fry at the Burford farm beginning at 5:00 PM.  Fish, hush puppies, and tater tots will be provided, but bring a side or dessert if desired.  Other items you may want to bring: lawn chairs, footballs, frisbees, old clothes/shoes/towels for children to play in the river.  Directions from Atwoods: head west on 412 out of town for two miles, turn South (left) on Imo Rd., drive until the black top ends, turn West (right) on Woods Rd., drive for 1 mile, turn South (left) on Boomer Rd., drive 3/4 mile, then turn left off the road into the farm.  David will mark the way with white streamers.  Contact Jerry Rogers with any questions.